It Pays Off: 7 reasons business owners should pay themselves a salary

Think back to the days before you started your business, when you were working for a boss. Chances are you were rewarded for your hard work with a regular salary. It may not have always been the same amount, but it came through like clockwork. And for the next week, month or however often you …

8 apps that make creating quotes and proposals faster (and more effective)

When a prospective client asks you for a quote, it’s a powerful opportunity to make a sale. In fact, with the right response you may be able to ‘seal the deal’ almost immediately. But if you take your time to respond, provide wildly different quotes for similar work, or otherwise send bad signals about your …

Why modern business means cloud-based business

“The cloud” is a phrase that means something very different these days, due to the increasing use of cloud computing. But what exactly is cloud computing? And is it a good option for small businesses? First, a quick definition. Without getting lost in ‘geekspeak’, cloud computing simply means both the software apps you use and …